Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September Updates

Where did the month of August go? I missed it somehow! Well we are really in the swing of things now with our new school year routines. It takes some serious concerted effort between all of us, but we manage to make it to school pretty much on time each day. Yeah, I said "pretty much." I'm still me, after all. :)

Maggie is loving pre-k and feeling very grown up. Her teachers are Ms. Ashley and Ms. Djulsema (pronounced like Jessima). She is learning to write her name! I will have to scan the current version to share.

Jack is the shining star of the infant room at daycare. Every time I talk to one of his teachers they all say, "Oh, we love him so much! He is so good! He is so happy!" They say the same thing at the church nursery. They are always telling us how lucky we are. We know it! We enjoy him too. I just hope that his being so "good" doesn't mean he gets less attention. You know, squeaky wheel and all that. But hopefully his winning personality helps in that regard.

My (Anna's) 15 year high school reunion is coming up in October and I am excited. We both had such a good time at the 10 year. Yes, even Mike--Mr. Antisocial--enjoyed himself amongst a roomful of strangers. This year we are going to take the kids with us to the family event as well, so that will be fun too. More people to tell us how good and happy Jack is and how lucky we are. :)

Maggie had her check-up with the orthopedist yesterday. He checked on her knock-knees (genu valgum) and her toe-walking. He said the toe-walking is okay for now. She has very good flexibility, but we should keep working on her flexibility in her achilles tendon to make sure it's not getting tight. If they decide to do anything about either that or the knock-knees, it will be several years away, maybe age 7 or 8. As of right now he is not sure whether they will need to do anything with it at all.

So I think that is all of the latest from us. We love to hear from all of you also, so don't hesitate to drop us an email, letter, card, smoke signal, phone call, carrier pigeon, etc. I'll get on and post some pics "soon." You know, "when I have time." LOL.